Monday, September 29, 2014

Why Japanese?

Now, why would someone start taking Japanese in their second year of college? In my case, learning Japanese is always something that I have wanted to do, but never had time for, until now. In 2011 I travelled to Japan on a sister-cities exchange trip to Hiratsuka, Japan. While there, I stayed with a host family, with whom I am still close. My desire to learn Japanese stems from my connections with my friends in Japan. I have some basic knowledge of Japanese which I learned while abroad, but I have never learned Japanese in a classroom setting. I am excited to continue to broaden my linguistic horizons through Japanese. The daily quizzes in class keep me on my toes, and keeping up with all of the vocabulary is not always easy. 


  1. はじめまして。わたしはCharlieです。What kind of activities did you take part in during your exchange trip?

    1. I lived with a homestay family, and learned about Japanese culture for 2 weeks.

    2. こんぼんはホルドンさん。Just was curious, have you looked into any of the summer exchange programs through Columbia? I plan on checking out the meeting coming up in November about it, and I was just curious if you had given it any thought. じゃね!

    3. Hi,
      Yeah, I've really been thinking about it, but I'm also going abroad all year next year (german studies major).

      I really really want to though

  2. こんにちは。ぼくはTakahiroです。

    Hello. My name is Takahiro.
    I'm Japanese college studentand I'm in the first year.
    I want to know about Amerikan culture so I'm looking forword to hearing.
    If you want to know soumething about Japan, please ask me.

    I think you love k-on very much. I also love k-on, and my favorite character is Yui.
    My town has a model of k-on highschool, it is bery good building.
    I want to talk about k-on and so on with you.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    1. Takashiroさん、

      Could you tell me about Kyoto? I want to study there in the summer, and improve my japanese.

      As you can see, my favorite K-On character is Tsumugi, because she looks like me and I also play piano. I think she is a rather funny character.

      I hope to hear from you again,


    2. こんにちは、ホルデンさん

      I'll tell you about Kyoto.
      There's some world heritages and many historical buildings.
      I think Kinkaku and Ginkaku is very famous place.
      Kyoto is very beautiful city and there is some rule to keep its view beautifully.
      If you want to know more about some building in Kyoto or other place, please tell me it. Probably I can tell a lot about it.

      I also can play the piano and bass guitar.
      I joined band in high school. It is not like K-on's band, but it was very interesting. It was my important memory in high school.


    3. こんにちは、たかひろさん、


      If you have any questions about the United States or Europe, please let me know.


  3. いまぼくがすんでいるばしょはいなかなので、たまにきょうとのまちにでかけるととてもたのしいです。

    I want to know what is in fashion.
    I don't have information about abroad fashion, so I want to know who singer ,what game or TV is popular among young people.

